How Does Food Affect Your Body Scent?

Woman on hoodie holding a bitten doughnut


Maybe you have wondered why you sweat or stink more than usual on a given day. One of the causes of excessive sweating and smelliness is nutrition. You can sweat during and just after eating and often you also suffer from unpleasant odors the next day, such as smelly sweat, urine, and smelly breath. If you need an instant fix for your odor problem, use citrus perfumes, like the woody scents such as the Maison Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 , which are invigorating, lively, and energetic.

With that said, the following foods provoke sweating and an unpleasant smell:

Spicy food

One can handle it better than the other: spicy food. You are probably already familiar with it, but you can sweat quite a bit from a hot pepper or a big bite of sambal. The heat you experience comes from a component of red peppers: capsaicin. This component stimulates the nerves in your mouth, making your body think you are hot. In response to this, you start sweating.

Coffee and cola

Coffee and cola can also be culprits of excessive sweating because they contain caffeine. Caffeine increases your heart rate, which can make you sweat. The reaction differs per person: some people are more sensitive to caffeine than others. Do you also sweat because of alcohol? That is not surprising! Alcohol has a similar effect to caffeine.


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Sweating and smelling of food

Sweating food does not have to lead directly to an unpleasant smell. Is this the case? This is then due to substances that are released as soon as the food is processed in your body. These substances end up in your bloodstream and are expressed as a nasty smell through sweat, urine, and breath.

Pay attention to the following foods!

  • Garlic and edible relatives of garlic, such as onion. Sulfur causes that unpleasant smell.
  • Vegetables from the cruciferous family, such as kale, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. Sulfur and certain spices (for example, curry and cumin) cause unpleasant odors.
  • Excessive meat-eating. This can also cause you to develop an unpleasant body odor.

How is the stench caused by food?

One person stinks to a certain type of food and the other does not. This has to do with the following factors:

  • Genes
  • composition of enzymes in your saliva that breaks down food
  • Amount of food you ingest (that causes a smell)